The COVID-19 global pandemic has fundamentally altered many aspects of how people live, work, and play. Educational institutions had to transition quickly to protect students, faculty, and staff. Remote learning was a major component of this transition. COVID-19 policies continue to play a major role in how universities and colleges keep students healthy. Universities and colleges do not want their students, faculty, or staff members to contract COVID-19 and suffer unnecessary illness.

Universities and colleges also want to avoid litigation due to COVID-19 policy misconduct. Legal cases involving how universities and colleges handled COVID-19 policies are becoming more prevalent. Students are suffering due to restrictions and lockdowns that damage their physical, mental, and emotional health. Universities and colleges have been at the forefront of COVID-19 policy implementation since December 2019. As students continue to suffer, the rate of litigation involving high schools, colleges, and universities will increase.

COVID-19 Policies Effect on Students

Students who violate COVID-19 policies face serious sanctions. Some punishments do not correspond with the conduct of students. Suspending groups of students typically harms both the student body and the high school, college, or university. Students may be confused about their futures. Parents may not understand how to interpret the specific COVID-19 policy at issue. The long-term effects of these policy violations are not yet apparent.
At many universities and colleges, students no longer trust faculty, staff, or administrators. Students may feel as if they do not understand what their institution expects from them. Oftentimes, students face penalties for violations that they unknowingly commit. While attempting to focus on their studies and taking advantage of their time in college, students are suddenly faced with severe sanctions regarding behaviour they consider safe and within the boundaries of COVID-19 safety protocols.

The following are some of the sanctions universities and colleges impose on students who violate COVID-19 policies:

  • Expelling Students
  • Suspending Students
  • Fund Withdrawal
  • Revoking Student Housing
  • Class Suspension
  • Isolation
  • Warning Letters
  • Cash Payments
  • Verbal Message

Letโ€™s get in more details for each of these sanctions:

Expelling Students

The severe sanction of expulsion is typically reserved for students who have committed multiple COVID-19 policy violations. However, if the violation is serious enough, a university or college may expel a student for their first violation of a COVID-19 policy. Students may not willingly comply with specific COVID-19 restrictions. Universities and colleges often expel students if they believe the studentโ€™s violation of COVID-19 policies will cause other students to suffer illness. These expulsions also signal to other students that not adhering to COVID-19 policies can result in severe sanctions.

Suspending Students

Universities and colleges may suspend students for different time periods depending on the nature of their COVID-19 policy violations. Although students can return to school after a period of suspension, a suspension on oneโ€™s record can make it difficult to obtain admission to graduate school. Explaining a suspension can add unnecessary stress to the process of applying to graduate schools or seeking employment. If a student is suspended it can make achieving goals after college graduation more difficult.

Fund Withdrawal

Student organizations and campus clubs may lose their funding if they are found to have violated COVID-19 policies.

Revoking Student Housing

Universities and colleges can revoke the housing rights of students who violate COVID-19 policies. By removing students who do not adhere to COVID-19 policies, universities and colleges can lower infection rates.

Class Suspension

Removing a student from a classroom may cause psychological harm to the student. Students often receive class suspensions before they receive more severe sanctions for violating COVID-19 policies.


A student who threatens the health and safety of others may be isolated to prevent infections among students.

Warning Letters

Warning letters are dispatched to students at the beginning of the fall semester to inform students of COVID-19 policy violations.

Cash Payments

Some universities and colleges require students who violate COVID-19 policies to make cash payments.

Verbal Message

Students who are found to have violated COVID-19 policies receive oral warnings from committees. Initial warnings typically do not impose any restrictions on a studentโ€™s behavior.

Punishments for violating the COVID-19 policies may be administered in a confusing manner. Universities and colleges also may not apply their policies in a consistent manner. Sanctions cause problems for students, and the stress and anxiety associated with these procedures can distract students from their coursework. Students found to have violated COVID-19 policies may lose their right to participate in study abroad programs. Also, students may have to make payments to the university or college. Disciplinary probation is another common sanction imposed on students.

Student Defense and COVID-19 Policy Violations

Retaining an experienced student defense lawyer is the best thing you can do if you have been accused of violating COVID-19 policies. You do not have to accept unjust treatment from any university or college. A skilled student defense lawyer can review the facts of your case and provide you with exceptional legal representation.

Contact K Altman Law Today to Schedule a Consultation

Contact K Altman Law today to schedule a consultation. We understand how to stand up to educational institutions regarding COVID-19 policy violations. If you were denied specific rights or privileges due to allegations of violating COVID-19 policies, contact K Altman Law today atย  888-984-1341 to schedule a consultation.

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