Student Code Of Conduct Violations​

Being accused of violating your college or university’s student code of conduct can be a frightening experience. You are left asking questions about your:

  • Future

  • Status as a student

  • Options for defending yourself

Parents and students alike experience anxiety and stress when dealing with student conduct committees. Students may not know where to turn for the help they need with their legal representation. 

The most logical way to deal with misconduct situations is to hire a student defense lawyer to develop an effective case strategy for your defense. You should hire a firm that has a team of experienced litigators, academics, and advisors have expertise in helping students who face accusations of:

These violations are not taken lightly by colleges and universities. Retaining an experienced student defense lawyer can help you avoid unnecessary consequences associated with your case.  
Poor judgment and one-time mistakes should not bar you from completing your education and moving on to accomplish your academic and professional goals. If you face a violation of the student code of conduct, you must take the matter seriously. Being on your own during the investigation is not the best course of action to pursue. 

An experienced student defense lawyer will help you through every phase of the student discipline process. K Altman Law represents students throughout the United States. We have decades of experience working with student defense committees and guiding students through this oftentimes intimidating atmosphere. 

Costs of Student Misconduct Investigations

Student misconduct investigations can be extremely costly for students and their families. Honor Code violations and Student Code of Conduct transgressions may cause the college or university to sanction you. The following types of punishments are typically associated with Student Code of Conduct violations and Honor Code violations: 

  • Written reprimand  

  • Academic probation 

  • Suspension  

  • Academic dismissal  

  • Expulsion 

These consequences can have a lasting effect on your academic career. You may find it difficult to transfer to another college or university. Also, you may not qualify for specific scholarships that can help reduce the cost of your college education.The costs are not limited to your academic career, however. The following costs often arise due to student misconduct investigations:  

  • The possibility of criminal charges being filed against you  

  • Damage to your reputation  

  • Inability to achieve your professional goals  

  • Difficulty gaining admission to graduate school or professional school  

  • A mark on your academic record that will be a red flag to potential employers  

  • Possible restitution payments  

  • Months of wasted time  

  • Additional tuition payments that will increase the overall cost of your education 

Most students accused of code of conduct and honor code violations cannot prepare defensive strategies. They may experience that:

  1. Colleges and universities will attempt to rush students through the process and punish them without providing an opportunity for the students to defend themselves.

  2. Students may be suspended or expelled without having a complete understanding of their legal rights.

The college or university may make a procedural mistake that would go unnoticed if you had not retained experienced legal counsel. Do not allow any institution of higher learning to intimidate you into giving up on your education and your professional goals. Too much is at stake for you not to stand up and defend yourself. 

Retaining a knowledgeable and skilled student defense lawyer is the best thing accused students can do to protect their interests. 

Does an Academic Misconduct Charge Remain on My College Transcript?

If your school finds that you were involved in academic dishonesty, it may be entered on your transcript. Once entered, the notation will remain there. Even a minor violation may negatively impact your life. For instance, if you decide to transfer to a new school or program, your academic dishonesty finding is likely to follow you.

If your school doesn’t note the finding on your college transcript, you may still suffer consequences. For example, you may be asked by a prospective employer or another school official if you’ve ever been subject to disciplinary action. Or, an employment application may ask you to sign that you were never found guilty of academic dishonesty. Being untruthful on these applications is grounds for dismissal.

Contact K Altman Law Today to Schedule a Consultation

If you are facing allegations of student misconduct or other charges, contact K Altman Law today to learn more about the legal services we offer. Our experienced team of litigators, academics, and student advisors can provide you with exceptional legal representation and a robust defense.  

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