Safeguarding Rights. Shaping Futures.

Safeguarding Rights. Shaping Futures.


Education for students with disabilities is a critical function of Michigan schools, from early childhood intervention through university. As a parent of a child with special needs, you understand how important it is to advocate for your child. Let the legal team at K Altman Law advocate for you as well. Our attorneys can help ensure that your child is fairly treated and that their school and teachers follow their Individual Educational Plan (IEP) or 504 plan.

Every Michigan student with a disability or special needs has the same right to an education as other children, and many are eligible for special education under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), which carries additional rights and protections. However, many parents find a large difference between their protections under the law and what actually goes on in the classroom. If you’re struggling to get your child’s needs met at school, or you’re an older student or in college trying to get proper accommodations and understanding, call us. Our Michigan SPED lawyer will work to ensure your child is treated fairly and that the proper accommodations are respected.

What Can a Michigan SPED Lawyer Do For My Child?

Our special education lawyers have extensive knowledge of Michigan and federal laws governing the rights and education of students with special needs and disabilities. We can advise you during IEP meetings, guide you through due process hearings, and assist with any necessary appeals. We’ve often found that practical advice from our attorneys can help smooth the path to your child’s education.

We believe that children with special needs thrive in an environment where they have the necessary accommodations and understanding. Our attorneys help you understand your rights under the ADA and IDEA and can collaborate with your child’s education team to develop creative approaches to helping your child succeed.

We can help if your child has:

  • Learning disabilities
  • Autism spectrum disorders/Aspergers
  • Blind and visually impaired
  • Emotional impairments
  • Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
  • Deafness, deaf/blind and hard of hearing
  • Dyslexia

Your family may face hurdles in getting your child the proper education, but with the advice of our talented special education attorneys, we can help you overcome them.

Helping You Help Your Child

It’s not unusual for children with special needs to experience a higher-than-typical instance of discipline at school, especially if they do not visibly present a disability. Many parents find that their child may be unfairly punished at lunch, on the playground, or at specials simply because the school failed to make all educators and staff aware of their needs and IEP accommodations. We also protect your child from unfair discipline, and can aid in your appeal to the school if your child has received detention, expulsion, had privileges in the classroom taken away, or was otherwise unfairly treated because of their disability.

We know that inclusion into the mainstream classroom can be challenging for educators, but we also firmly believe that every child deserves to be treated fairly and provided a quality education as far as their abilities permit. We approach each situation with a blend of knowledge, compassion, and tenacity, and we’re ready to fight for you. Contact K Altman Law today for a consultation with our Michigan SPED lawyer.

Call Today to Speak with a Special Education Advocate at K Altman Law

The special education team at K Altman Law assists parents, guardians, and students who are not receiving the services they require from an educational institution. We help children with developmental disabilities get the support and accommodations they need to thrive inside and outside the classroom. Call K Altman Law at 888-984-1341 to speak to a special education advocate today.

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