Safeguarding Rights. Shaping Futures.

Safeguarding Rights. Shaping Futures.

Ann Arbor, MI, SPED Lawyer

SPED Lawyer Ann Arbor, MI 

Students with disabilities have the same rights to education as any other student. Providing accommodations for students with disabilities is a fundamental function of Michigan schools, including institutes of higher education. As a parent of a child with special needs or a disability, you already know that your child faces challenges that many others do not, including facing discrimination, frustrations with learning, and being given opportunities that students without disabilities enjoy. We know that you are a fierce advocate for your child—we are, too. An Ann Arbor, MI, SPED lawyer can help ensure that your child’s rights are protected and that they are treated with respect and dignity at school.

The education attorneys at K Altman Law help ensure that your child’s 504 Plan and IEP are honored by their school, represent you in school hearings and meetings, and advocate for your child’s rights. Call us today to learn more.

What Does an Ann Arbor SPED Lawyer Do For My Child?

Michigan students with special needs are protected under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). This statute provides specific protections and rights for special education students and protects their right to a public education. However, many families find a big difference between what the law guarantees and what their child receives. If your child’s school isn’t providing the accommodations listed in their educational plan, or if a teacher disregards the accommodations your student requires, an attorney can help you get a resolution so your child can enjoy as many opportunities as possible.

The special education attorneys at our firm have extensive experience helping families stand up for their students’ rights. We have a thorough knowledge of Michigan and federal laws that pertain to special education students, and we keep abreast of changes in legislature and case law decisions that could affect your child’s education. We can help parents understand how to apply for an Individual Education Plan (IEP), and what kind of documentation they need to provide for certain accommodations, and we can speak for you in school meetings, including IEP meetings.

Helping You Help Your Child

We believe children thrive when they have the right accommodations in the least-restrictive environment and when they can enjoy the same opportunities as their peers. We can help you understand your rights under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and work with your child’s school to help them succeed.

We represent students who have:

  • Autism spectrum disorders/Asperger’s
  • Dyslexia
  • Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
  • Emotional impairments
  • Blind and visually impaired
  • Learning disabilities
  • Deafness, deaf/blind, and hard of hearing

We help your family overcome hurdles to your child’s education.

It’s not uncommon for special education students to experience a higher instance of school discipline. If you believe your child was unfairly punished because of their disability, or if they face bullying or discrimination, we can review your legal options to address it. If the school fails to protect your child, if a teacher fails to honor the IEP, or if other students are creating an environment of harassment and bullying, then we can advise you of your legal options, including filing a civil action.

Although schools can find it challenging to include special education students in the main classroom, they have a legal obligation to provide the accommodations your child requires in the least restrictive environment. Your child deserves the best education and as many opportunities as possible, and the legal team at K Altman Law is here to ensure that they get it. Contact us today to learn how an Ann Arbor SPED lawyer can help your family.

Call Today to Speak with a Special Education Advocate at K Altman Law

The special education team at K Altman Law assists parents, guardians, and students who are not receiving the services they require from an educational institution. We help children with developmental disabilities get the support and accommodations they need to thrive inside and outside the classroom. Call K Altman Law at 888-984-1341 to speak to a special education advocate today.

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